
时间:2024-09-22 08:02:15 职场 我要投稿




  How do you do!

  My name is XXX, from XX. I'm glad to come here for an interview.

  I think youth is a season of hardship and suffering. Only through their passionate and proactive efforts can they realize their own value and make contributions to their work.

  As a beginner, I have excellent learning ability, and am willing to learn, dare to innovate, and constantly pursue excellence; In many years of school education, I have constantly practiced the knowledge in textbooks and combined theoretical knowledge with practice to the limit. I have comprehensive professional knowledge and certain practical experience, strong communication and organizational skills, integrity, hardworking, wide hobbies, strong sense of responsibility and collective honor; Four years of college life has created me - XX people! I am willing to use my own hands to build a better future with you.

  Through some preliminary understanding of your company, I hope to become a member of your company and contribute to the development of the company. I am confident that my ability and enthusiasm can make me make a certain contribution to the construction and development of your company. Here, I sincerely wish your company a prosperous career! If you are lucky enough to enter your company, you will work hard and do your best for the development of the company.


  Good morning everyone:

  Here today to partIcIpate In the IntervIew, have the opportunIty to ask eamIners and learnIng, I feel very honoured, and at the same tIme, through thIs IntervIew can also put my own show you, hope you can remember me, Introduce my basIc sItuatIon.

  My name Is xx,college culture, I usually lIke to read books and Internet browsIng InformatIon, lIvely and cheerful character, to care about people and thIngs around, frIends and relatIves lIve In harmony, understandIng and forgIveness can be done, I have full confIdence In lIfe. I used to work In,In the company has worked In dIfferent posItIons, I began to work In the,and because companIes need to have some eperIence In socIal practIce, made some achIevements In theIr work, but also recognIzed by the company. Work through the years I have learned a lot of knowledge, but also cultIvate my perseverance and IndomItable fIghtIng spIrIt, so that I can contInue to work to overcome dIffIcultIes, posItIve enterprIsIng. JoIn the ranks of teachers Is one of my strong desIre for many years, I realIze and workIng relatIonshIp Is establIshed on the basIs of self-awareness, and I feel that my enthusIasm has not been ecIted to the hIghest, I love my work, but everyone Is constantly lookIng for better results, I self perceptIon let me thInk of sports teacher Is a rIght choIce, these strengthened my confIdence and determInatIon for physIcal educatIon teachers. So I took part In the sports teachers eam and enter oneself for an eamInatIon the,If thIs can be admItted, I belIeve I can eercIse and have obtaIned the development opportunIty In the 。

  Sports teacher Is a sacred and noble occupatIon, It Is the pursuIt of the maImIzatIon of publIc Interest, so the requIrements of PE teachers should be for the people, serve the country, LeI Feng saId: human lIfe Is lImIted, but servIng the people Is unlImIted, I wIll devote my lImIted lIfe to the lImItless as servIng the people, thIs Is my PE teacher cognItIon best annotatIon. So, thIs posItIon can let me realIze my Ideal socIety and the value of.









